Ideally, our students would have the capability to adapt to the Leatherman tool, the iPhone, or the 3-D printer, but we must begin now by making sure that we as educators understand that the end game isn't to have students master a set of blueprints that aren't adaptable to our ever-changing world.

Shifting the Classroom Paradigm

It listens. The heart isn’t the engine. It isn’t in charge.  The heart is a sensory organ. All of this thinking takes me back to Steiner’s larger point, “to improve and make true progress”.  

That’s when I realized that this paradigm impacts the classroom. What kind of heart do you view yourself as a teacher?  Are you the pump? The engine? Pushing blood out to the cells. Delivering nutrients?  

Harnessing Students' Inquiry

Shannon Treece,  E-Magineer/Principal, Eminence Independent Schools, #SchoolonFire

Kids can change the world, if the adults are willing to allow the freedom of inquiry in their classrooms. It is transformative.

If WE, as educators, call our experiences and classrooms, trenches and frontlines, how is the greater community supposed to understand our work?  

If WE, view ourselves in a battle, how does that subconsciously impact the way we work with students?  

If WE, see ourselves digging in, how are we supposed to inspire and uplift?

Understanding the core of the Common Core

It has been four years now, since the release of the Common Core standards in Mathematics.  We have sought to understand, to implement, to adjust to the shift in practice and expectation. But as Grant Wiggins points out in his recent blog, I'm not sure we have really put our collective minds around the true intent and value to our students.

Why do we Precrastinate?

I think this explains much of what happens in our schools and classrooms.  How much of the “work” we do in education is about doing “tasks” that really just make us feel better about the heavy mental lifting that we never really get to?  How much of our work is dedicated to “assignments” that distract us from the stuff that really matters? 

Language Re-Boot - Edition 1

In this new perspective there is some language I would like to advocate banning.  Language that was intended to appeal to our basest needs, but through our enlightened conversations we interpret as the insults they were always meant to be. I apologize now if you still hold these terms dear. 

An ISTE "Break-up" Note

This is just one voice from the 16,000 that ended up attending #ISTE2014, and I’m sure this will not be a popular sentiment, but I guess I just don’t get it.  It’s not you ISTE, it’s me.  

Is It Enough to Just Think of "School Differently"?

Innovation is sweeping through Education. Teachers, Principals, and Administrators are being encouraged to “remake” school. To knock down the walls. To expand the classroom.  But what happens when we redesign the facade of school, but the interior remains the same?  Are we in our rhetoric about changing the school experience for students not addressing a much more important component?